Dear friends,
On Saturday, March 28, 2009, at 8:30 p.m. till 9.30 p.m, I will be taking part in Earth Hour (insya-Allah), sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund. I’ll be joining tens of millions of concerned citizens and corporations in calling for action to save our planet for future generations.
I’re proud that our country is making a statement about the fight against climate change, and you as individuals can sign up to participate, too. You can learn more about Earth Hour at, and you can sign up to participate at
If you’d like a high level history of Earth Hour, more than 50 million people in 400 cities around the world took part in Earth Hour 2008. The lights went out at Sydney’s Opera House, Rome’s Coliseum, the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge. Even the Google homepage went dark for the day. Many major corporations took part including HP, Coca-Cola, and Morgan Stanley.
This year, Earth Hour promises to be even bigger. In Malaysia, cities large and small have said they’ll participate with more signing on daily. They will join international cities such as Beijing, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, London, Manila, Mexico City, Moscow, Rome, and Toronto. You can view WWF’s video about Earth Hour 2009 at to get a sense of the magnitude of this event.
I’m excited about Earth Hour as an individual. I hope you’ll join me in uniting with the world to make a difference for our planet. Don’t forget—March 28th at 8:30 pm, turn out, take action.
***thanks to Mr. Anak Tukang Jahit for this idea...
Just Another Woman's Life
yuhuuu!! ari nie sgt la gembira... mau tau knp? biler korg abis bace korg tau la nant...
sebelum paper, bek aku g tau ape tue A-PLUS... A-PLUS ialah Association of Petronas Undergradute in Sarawak. ini adalah ahli2 committee A-PLUS yg berkaki lebar wif our student advisor...
OK... skang aku nak citer psl xtvt ari nie... ari nie kiterg ade welcoming gathering n family day... 2 in 1... jimat kos... hehehe...
bgn2 jer pagi aku trus serang umah Jiha sbb nak tumpang mandi... huhuhu... umah aku x de air... dr ari jumaat lagi... x pe... pastue dlm keadaan kelam kabut sbb lmbt bgn, (mlm td tdo kol 2 pagi coz buat preparation tuk family day nie...) aku pun cube bersiap dlm waktu yg pntas... akhirnye siap gak...
dah siap2 aku pun menuju la ke umah miqdad tuk tolong2 ape yg patut... oh ye, kali nie sekali lgaku jd committee game bersama-sama ngan afiq, miqdad, topex, prem n nina... hehehe... nie la muke yg suke maen2... smpai2 jer, kiteorg dikejutkan ngan berite sireh hilang!!! lorrr... camne plak bleh ilang... nak wat pe ngan sirih tue... tunggu...x pe la... afiq pun pegila beli yg baru...
smpai je kat kampus, aku, nina n prem g isi air water cooler dlm botol 1.5 liter khas tuk pemain2 game nant... dah siap2 sumer, kiteorg pun srpn la kek batik n curry puff yg tlh disediakan... sedap... cam tau2 jer kiteorg nie lapo... pastue smpat tulun kejp tuk registeration, tp kejap je la...
dalam pukul 10 cam tue majlis pun start la... mcm biase kalo ade ape2 majlis ttg petronas nie mest nyanyi lagu "Petronas Maju Jaya" dulu... aku suker gile lagu nie... lagu nie slalu mengingat aku yg aku nie scholar pet, so x bleh la maen2 sgt... hehehe... then, diikuti dgn ucapan dari president A-PLUS... then, ade perfommance dr family baru kiteorg... name group diorg ialah...
perfomance start by da' pink power rangers, Jumasri!!! hahaha... gurau je ek... sebenarnye performance stat ngan nyanyian dr saudari Zureen... lagu ape, aku pun x tau coz aku x ambik tau sgt lagu orang putih nie... lagu melayu bleh la...
then followed by, france song sang by mr. Ka$H n miss aiman...
pastue, syafiq j ngan lagu nasyid solo die... idup nasyid!!! (sorila gambo x clear... dienie x reti duduk diam...)
then, diakhiri ngan duet lagu melayu dr jumasri n Jiha... sweet la plak diorg nie...
dh abis performance, skang tibe masenye tuk encik shamlan, our student advisor buat performane, eh x la... en. shamlan punye sharing session...
kesimpulan sharing session tue ade 2 berite tergempar... 1 baek n 1 baek jugak, tp kureng ckit la... berita baeknye ialah...
ye!!! allowance naek dr rm300 ke rm500... betapa happy nye kitorg smpai ade seorang dua yg menitiskan air mate setelah berjuang bermati2an begitu lame... tp, allowance naek, bende len pun naek gak... nie la berite yg kureng baek tue...
tp takpe... no maney, no talk... ade money, hati pun gumbira... hati gumbira, study pun smooth jer...
then, after mr. shamlan sharing session, diikuti plak ngan en. harussany session.
ade satu part tue yg berbisa di hati kiteorg...
en. sanny: diz' is first time I meet wif all of u n I can see yg korg nie sgt berbeza ngan bdk2 ipta laen.
audience: what is da' difference?
en. sany: budak2 ipta sgt mengamalkan prinsip rukun negara yg kelima...
audience: (bengang sey...)
en. shamlan: x la... diorg nie energetic... nie la smgt yg di cari...
audience: (cheer for mr. shamlan!!!)
huhuhu... paham2 je la yer korg... tp naseb baek mr. shamlan back up... sayang mr. shamlan...
dgn itu, berakhirnya sessi indoor, skang kite g men game plak!!! ye!!! our first game ialah men baling belon yg ade air... korg pun tau la game nie... biase men kot... tp tgh2 men tue, ade plak yg syok sendiri n pegi baling belon kat sesama sendiri... apela... tunggu la abis dulu...

then, diikuti ngan Fear Factor Cuisine... hehehe... game nie sumer org kene take part... diorg akan diberi makanan yang sangat sihat tanpa bahan pengawet, minyak dan gula... hahaha... antara menu2 nye ialah:
-wedding tradition (sireh+kapur+asam jawa)
-mashed banana (mengkudu bersoskan pisang+asamjawa+bawang)
-bitter juice (peria+garam+limau)
-asian coleslaw (petai+bawang putih n merah)
-pumpkin latte (kopi+labu+garam)
-ginger chip (halia+sos tomato)
-raw ommelete (telur+bawang merah n putih+garam)
-spicy beverage (cili+terung)
-hot n spicy (cili semata-mata)

then, followed by "small particles"... nie idea bernas afiq la nie... game nie simple jer... korg kene asingkan kacang merah, barli, sagu hijau n sagu pink... huhuhu...

then, ade kumpulan yg dpt markah seri... so, tuk menetukan sape yg menang, kiteorg wat game human word. diorg nie kene bentuk perkataan yg diberikan ngan badan diorg...

dgn itu, abisla semuanye... dh bagi2 adiah, kiteorg pun mkn n balik...


tp kiteorg committee x bleh balik dulu.. kene jadik tukang cuci la plak... dah settle cuci2 sumer, kiteorg pun balikla... tp blum smpt sampai umah, kiteorg singgah kdai minum2 dulu... mkn aiskrim dulu... kiteorg wat sharing session sesame sendiri plak... hahaha... pastue, baru balik... hari yg sgt menyeronokkan... tq sumer sbb dah mengindhkan hariku ini...
lastly, da' bes pic for diz event...

***esok de test pysics n aku ade kurang dr 24 jam tuk study... huhuhu... camne nak dpt WAM 65 nie...
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
aku nie lurus bendul tau, korg ckp pape pun aku cayer jer... so, jgnla ngada2 nak tpu aku...
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
yg penting hati beb...
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
bile nak jumpe nie???
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
hmm... plenty of dates... no komen...
Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
yg paling penting kat dunia nie adela duit... blaja tinggi2 tp menganggur nak wat pe? yg penting belajar untuk mengcomfirmkan kite dpt kerja...
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
geologist tue practikal tak?
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
yakin itu penting...
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
so, kalo aku marah tue, maksudnye aku tgh takut la tue... hmm... cam pelik jer...
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
inikah yang kalian nampak ada dalam diriku???
*kalo korg nak try tgk sape diri korg cam ape yg aku wat nie, korg giela jenguk2 kat sini.


alamak!!! kene sound ngan wani la... wokeyh2 aku update skrg...
pada tanggal 6 Mac 2009, aku pagi2 pukul 7 pagi dah semangat kuar umah dah... nak tau knp? sbb ade program homesay kat sibuti... before diz dah g 2 kali, so nie kali ke3 aku join homestay nie....
tp smngat aku mula pudar bile dah pkul 7.30 pun bas x dtng2 g... dahla aku x tdo 1 mlm, ingtkan nak tdo dlm bas jer, tp bas plak x dtng... so, sementara tunggu bas dak2 len pun melakukan sesi fotografi... hehehe...
tunggu punya tunggu akhirnya smpai gak la bas yg dinanti-nantikan... penuh gak bas tue sebab bdak2 curtin yg join homestay nie 40 org... so, bile dah smpai atas bas apelagi, aku pun tdo la... tp bdak2 len yg xcited giler nie mmg x bleh tdo la... memekak sambil makan dlm bas la keje diorg...
yg gambo kat atas nie time mule2 nek bas... bile dah nak sejam duk dlm bas tue dirg dah jd cam nie dah...
akhirnye after sejam lebih kat atas bas, smpai gak kiteorg kat tmpt yg dituju. name kg tue ialah kg. keluru jaya. selain kiteorg ade gak 20 0rg dak giat mara yg join program nie. smpai2 jer kiteorg kene isi mcm2 jenis borang n kene tunggu jap dak2 mara tuk smpai kat c2.. n mcm biasa, kalo de mase kosong kiteorg pun buatla sesi fotografi... hehehe...
after sumer org dah smpai, bermula majlis penyerahan anak angkat... tau x, aku dpt jd anak ngkat ketua kg... bangge tue... hehehe... aku, wani n hana serta bella dr giat mara jd anak angkat ktua kg. then, syamim a.k.a sedut diangkat jd penghulu kiteorg n dibantu oleh bella. after penyerahan anak angkat, kiteorg wat sesi fotografi plak...
pastue sumer org balik umah msng2... yg lg best ttg family angat aku ialah mak angkat aku nie org pahang rupenye... jd x la kekok tuk kiteorg berkomunikasi... hahaha...
then ptang tue kiteorg de sukaneka... tp time aku, hana n wani smpai, yg ade kat situ cume sedut, safiq n fahmi jer... dewan pun blum bukak lg... kiteorg pun duduk la borak2 kat bwh pokok... tgh asyik berborak tetibe jer dtng jengga, tompoq n shafiq bersama-sama tebu... fuh... mmg sdp giler ptng yg panas cam tue ditemani dgn tebu yg manis... hmmm...
tgh syok2 mkn tebu tetibe kene pnggl masuk dwan plak tuk cara sukaneka... hahaha... klaka giler sukaneka nie... mcm2 la kiteorg men, men tiup belon, bwk lilin n kerusi muzik... mmg pecah perut la, lg2 time kerusi muzik tue n time knalkan name kumpulan. grup aku name die grup bunga matahari... kiteorg dpt tmpt ke4 kot... tp x kesah pun sbb adiah sumer samer jer...
dah abis sumer tue kiteorg pun blk, tp x smpt masuk umah, wanie n hannah ajak g umah jengga... nak minum air kelapa katenye... aku pun join jer la... on da' way nak g sane terserempakla dgn org2 len... ape lg yg tdnye cume 3 org jer skang nie dah ramai dah... so, beramai-ramai lah kiteorg berkonvoi ke rumah jenggga, tompoq n shafiq... jauh giler tue... naseb bek last sekali dpt gak air klapa smpai botak pokok klapa tue... hehehe...
mlm tue plak ade ceramah lepas solat maghrib n isyak... mcm besela bdk curtin nie, walaupun dimane pun kiteorg berada, camera x pnh dilupakan... cheeseee....
then mlm tue time aku dah elok2 tuka baju nak tido, ade plak sedut mesej aku ajak kiteorg g karaoke kat umah kenduri kawin... sorila... dah mls la plak nak kuar umah, korg sumbangkan je la suara korg tue tanpe kami menemani... huhuhu...
tp kat umah aku ade sesi bermesra bersama family angkat aku... yg kat bawah nie gambo mak aku n 2 org cucu die, zila n dedek...
sok pagi plak de program gotong-royong...
smbl gotong-royong bersihkan kawasan, sambil gotong-royong mkn buah langsat gak...
dah siap gotong-royong kiteorg pun blk umah dah bersiap2 tuk majlis penutup...
kat majlis penutup kiteorg kene makan dulu n then kene tungu YB datang...
bile YB dah tutup majlis, kiteorg pun kene la balik... huhuhu...
dan yang paling penat skali antara kiteorang ialah... TOK PENGHULU!!!
mmg pengalaman yg menyeronokkan... BEST!!!
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